Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, March 10, 2025
Remember What I Now Say to You, Remember That I Am the Ark of the New and Eternal Covenant
Monthly Public Message of the Holy Virgin of Reconciliation to Mario D'Ignazio in Brindisi, Italy on March 5, 2025 - Ash Wednesday

The Virgin Mary appears dressed in blue, together with St. Joseph, Her most chaste Bridegroom. St. Joseph wore a dark brown robe and had the Divine Child in His right arm. The Virgin Mary, after making the Sign of the Cross, smiling said:
“Praised be Jesus Christ...
Dear children, open your hearts to My Message of Reconciliation with God. Open your hearts to My final Motherly Appeal. Prepare your hearts to receive the Holy Spirit with His NEW PENTECOST.
Pray, pray always, pray unceasingly. Be aware that you live in the Last Times, in the last days. Satan goes around like a roaring lion looking for whom to devour.
Remember that only love, forgiveness can help you, can give you true peace, lasting peace. Clothe yourself in the full Armor of God so that you can escape the fiery darts of the evil one. The legions of demons are very operative in these last years.
Turn away, turn away quickly, quickly from the heretical-Masonic false church, from the Roman Satanic IMPOSTURE. Be vigilant, be vigilant.
My children, I urge you once again to raise holy Altars in your homes, near which to pray the holy ROSARY, the Crown of My Motherly Tears, the Crown of the Holy Wounds, the Crown of the Seven Sorrows, the Chaplet of Reconciliation, the Crown of the Twelve Stars, and to make Holy Spiritual Communion WITH THE TRUE EUCHARIST OF MY SON'S CHURCH.
Remember that I AM the first Christian, first Disciple, first Believer, first Tabernacle, first Mystic, first Seer, Confidant of God, first Stigmatized.
Today begins Holy Lent, Ash Wednesday. Do penance, do fasting. Today you have received a great sign: My Effigy, the Effigy of the Virgin of Pity has dripped copiously with fragrant Holy Oil to remind you that I am near you. My Holy Oil is comfort, it is healing, it is liberation, purification... Oil that consoles, Oil that consecrates. Remember to anoint yourself with My Holy Oil, to ask for Graces of healing, deliverance, conversion, purification and eternal salvation.
My Holy Effigy of the Virgin of Pity reminds you that Lent ends with the death of Jesus, My Divine Son, in the arms of Me who am the Coredemptrix.
I participated in the Sorrows of My Son Jesus in an active way, in a strong way under the Cross. I participated in the Coming, the Birth, the Life, the Death, the Resurrection of My Son Jesus.
Remember what I now say to you, remember that I am the Ark of the New and Eternal Covenant. Remember that I am the Ark of Eternal Salvation, the Holy Temple of God, the True Church of God. I am the Representative and Guide of the True Church of God, Holy Temple of the Lord. Follow Me, love Me, listen to Me, welcome Me into your hearts. Receive into your hearts My holy Messages of life, of hope, of conversion, of spiritual rebirth, of repentance, of Reconciliation. Receive into your hearts My holy Messages, My Appearance, My Coming, My Motherly Blessing.
Follow Me, follow Me in the knowledge that I represent the True Church of God, that I lead the Little Flock... And that it is very, very important to undertake the Way of Fatima, the Way of Heaven, the Way of My Immaculate Heart, quickly turning away from the heretical-Masonic false church, through which Satan works and strikes, through which legions of demons are operative.
I bless you with My Motherly Blessing, in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”
(St. Joseph blesses His Medallions, His Holy Images. The Blessed Virgin, before disappearing, urges us to bring the candles, the candles to be blessed at the next Apparition on April 5. As she does every year, the Blessed Virgin on April 5 blesses the candles, by the light of which we pray from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the month of May, the Marian month, the month consecrated to Our Lady, to the Most Holy Rosary. Praised be Jesus Christ...)